My Methods for Hair Hydration
Hair hydration is a key of my entire hair care. There is no smoother, there are problems with stylisation, combing and split ends. When? Exactly when you neglect your hair and don’t provide them with proper level of hydration. Today, I’d like to present my proven methods for hair moistening. On the fly, I will explain some of more difficult concepts… 馃槈
I moisturise my hair regularly for more or less two years.
It is a bit embarrassing to look at my pictures from before this time. My hair had super high porosity. They looked like hay gathered straight from the field and glued to my head. I damaged them with excess at home highlighting, straightening and other treatments, which aren’t very good for hair.
Then I started moisturise my hair. Informations I intend to pass to you in this post are just a sort of compendium of my knowledge from this time. Of course, I selected those methods, which I personally tested on myself. I will tell you about my hair care and I hope to inspire someone to more conscious hair hydration,.
How to moisturise hair step by step?
Most of all, make friends with humectants, but at the same time use them wisely. Humectants are substances, which are capable of absorption of water from air and the binding of it in the inner hair structures. It seems logical then, to not use them when the humidity is high. High dew point (i.e. high air humidity) is definitely unfavourable while using humectants. I have tried multiple times on myself that excess moisture is no good. To sum up – get to like humectants, use them wisely and avoid “overdose”.
When it comes to humectants, best for me was glycerine (which we are needlessly afraid in cosmetics), aloe vera and hyaluronic acid. Very popular is also flaxseed, though for me it didn’t work. Beside those ingredients, you can also reach for panthenol, honey and urea. Those are humectants as well. However, good moisturising treatment is not based only on those.
Along with humectants you should use hydrophobic substances. They cover hair fibres with protective layer and lock gathered water in the inner structures of hair. I personally love oils, and often choose oils like almond oil or jojoba oil. You can use any other of your favourite oils. Here I can cause some controversy, but I really recommend silicones. Those easy to wash, of course. Gentle silicon won’t weight hair down, but will protect them.